Security Camera Systems Remote Access for Mobile; Port Forwarding or set up a VPN?

Security Camera Systems used to comprise of a Security Guard Viewing Station, a server and the cameras. It was all within the corporate LAN. Then came Mobile apps. When the mobile device is within the LAN access to the Security Camera System is simple. The difficulty arises when the user picks up the device and roams outside the LAN then the app cannot connect anymore and the user is left wondering why.

Open a Port
The reason the App won’t work when it is moved outside the area of the LAN is because remote access is not set up on the Security Camera System. To enable remote access the System Manager must set up port forwarding ( to an externally addressable IP address. The external IP address port details can be saved in the Mobile App. This is fine and works very well up to a certain limit. If you need to open multiple ports to access more than one camera or more than one server system then opening ports seems more and more burdensome.

Try a VPN
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) ( extends a private network across the internet. It allows a computer to send and receive data across the internet as if it was connected directly to the private network and it benefits from the functionality, security and management features of the private network. A VPN is created by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of various virtual tunnelling protocols or traffic encryption.
A VPN set up with four Cameras using Router based VPN software

From a user perspective, accessing the data on a VPN is exactly the same as if they were connected directly to the private network. VPNs allow employees to connected securely to the companies intranet from outside of the office in order to access data.

Security advantages of a VPN
Public WiFi offers no encryption security to its users and your signals are broadcast for anyone tech savvy to eavesdrop. If you are connected to a public network via a VPN then all of the data that was once easy to intercept is now encrypted and no one else can see it. Much like a firewall protects the data on your computer, a VPN protects your data when you are online.

Speed of performance maybe slower. A VPN encrypts all data that is transferred through it. Encryption is a processor task. The speed of the transfer may be affected if the processor in the VPN device is slow.

VPN and AXIS Camera Companion and a VPN on a NAS box
We decided to try out the VPN software on a NAS box device with a view to using it with AXIS Camera Companion and corresponding Mobile App. Read the full PDF here [FREE]

Make Time-lapse movies using an AXIS Camera and an iPhone App

We are pleased to launch our Time- Lapse AXIS Camera application.

Use case: You have an AXIS Camera and would like to use it to make Time-lapse movies.


We made a feature on our iOS app “Viewer for AXIS Cams” to make Time- lapse movies. This feature uses a process called App Injection to load an AXIS Camera application (ACAP) onto an AXIS Cam. Once the Time-lapse ACAP is loaded you can start making time-lapse movies using “Viewer for AXIS Cams”.

A choice of two in app purchases are available: Two cam licence @ $2.99 and Unlimited Cams licence@ $49.99

The status of the icon (a film clapperboard) changes colour according to the status availability of the Time-Lapse App.

A White icon will appear if the option to buy the ACAP is available. (i.e. if we have detected that the camera we are connecting to is capable of supporting ACAP). Red will appear if the time-lapse ACAP app has been purchased and successfully installed but is not currently running. A Green Icon will appear if the time-lapse icon is currently running

The time-lapse interval is adjustable: the range goes: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 35 mins, 1 hr, 24 hr.

Time-Lapse works with all AXIS models that can support AXIS Camera Application Platform  (AXIS maintain a list of ACAP capable cams:

This Time lapse app is envisaged as a tool for making a summary of the day or week. Time-lapse  summaries can certainly be useful but also on occasion can be very beautiful….it all depends on the camera view.

The finished time-lapse videos are saved into the camera roll of your iOS device (iPhone, iPad or iPOD). Once you have them saved there you can share them via Dropbox.

As the images are uploaded from the camera they are stored in the cloud. Each time-lapse account stores 370 images. Once the 370th image is saved the first is deleted…and so it scrolls on. When a user requests a Time-lapse video from the app the images are sent to the iPhone and compiled by the app as a movie. The user then has the movie for that moment saved on their phone.

Apple TV and Security Cam Apps

We have been doing some investigations regarding Apple TV and our Security Cam Apps. This is what we found.

Project any EyeSpyFX Security Cam app onto a TV to allow large screen viewing.

40’ TV
Apple TV box             €100
iOS device (we tried iPad, iPod and iPhone)
EyeSpyFX Security Cam App, for example Viewer for AXIS Camera Companion.

Apple TV
Apple TV is a black box that allows you to project any (relatively new) Apple device to a TV. It is designed so you can project movies from your computer or iPod to your TV. This function uses an Apple projection system called AIRPLAY. It also has a range of built in content features like Netflix and YouTube and Vimeo. Apple TV costs about €100.

Apple TV control slots

Apple TV control slots

Attaching Apple TV to the 40’ TV was easy: We simply plugged it in using a HDMI cable. The HDMI cable was not provided with the Apple TV unit (which is a bit mean of Apple we thought as the device is near useless without a HDMI cable).

When you plug the Apple TV into your TV you enter the details of your WIFI network password to connect the Apple TV to your network. You enter the password using a screen based keyboard which you control using the remote control from the Apple TV. We did this here in the EyeSpyFX office and it worked fine, but we have lots of wifi devices in the office and our wifi is a bit overloaded so we opted to plug the Apple TV into our Network using a standard Ethernet cable.

Mirror the App
Next take your iOS device and on iOS 7 swipe up from the bottom of the screen to make the control panel appear. Select Apple TV and switch on Mirroring.

Setting up Apple TV Mirroring

Setting up Apple TV Mirroring

Now open an EyeSpyFX app. Apple TV will work with all EyeSpyFX apps. The app will be mirrored on the TV. The best performance is when you turn the device into landscape mode as per in this snap, showing “Grid View” in “Viewer for AXIS Camera Companion”. Projecting an app onto a TV is useful for basic viewing of security cameras on TV’s. Its a great way to monitor your business premises from home.

EyeSpyFX Security Cam App, mirrored onto TV screen using Apple TV

EyeSpyFX Security Cam App, mirrored onto TV screen using Apple TV

Optimised Projection with “PVM for AXIS”
To create optimised projection to a TV for example to use as a “Public View Monitor” we have created a special app called PVM for AXIS. This app is designed to work with Stand Alone IP Cameras (Viewer for AXIS Cams) or Cameras in an AXIS Camera Companion Site. The app is specifically designed to project to TV screens. Apple TV makes this app even easier to use. The app has special projection features like Guard Tour enabling automatic scrolling from one cam to another. The app maximizes use of the available TV screen size (rather than simply mirroring the App).

PVM for AXIS iOS app gives optimised Public View Monitor Performance

PVM for AXIS iOS app gives optimised Public View Monitor Performance

PVM for AXIS iOS app give many optimised Public View Monitor features including 4x4 and timed Guard Tour options

PVM for AXIS iOS app give many optimised Public View Monitor features including 4×4 and timed Guard Tour options


Gesture control for Camera Companion

In the latest of “Viewer for AXIS Camera Companion” features gesture based control. You can move from cam to cam by swiping up and down on the image. In the recordings area you can control the timeline by swiping left and right. We are gradually moving toward an idea where we can move through time and space (represented by cameras) in a fluid way with less and less UI getting in the way.

Liquid UI: Gesture Control of cameras and timeline

Liquid UI: Gesture Control of cameras and timeline

H264 Real Time Streaming on Mobile

Camera Companion H264

H264 is a superior compression algorithm for streaming video. It gives faster frame rates for lower bandwidth. This makes it ideal for Mobile platforms.

EyeSpyFX iOS and Android Mobile Security Apps feature custom built libraries to decode H264. Over a good connection we can achieve 15fps. This performance makes mobile viewing a quality experience comparable with viewing on a PC. It is just like being there!

H264 is not always supported by Phone Networks. Some of them ban H264 RTSP packets. To get around this problem EyeSpyFX apps use Motion JPeg when H264 is not available.

EyeSpyFX – Cognimatics People Counter


You can now view Cognimatics True View People Counter using EyeSpyFX iOS mobile app “Viewer for AXIS Cams”.

Use the app to go to a camera that has the Cognimatics True View People Counter installed on it. When you click on the camera you will see the RED Cognimatics icon appear in the feature list. When this icon appears it means that the app has detected the presence of Cognimatics People Counter ACAP app. Follow the link to bring up the Counter statistics. – mobile intelligence!


My WebCam Live List now all Mobile

My WebCam Live List on the web has been removed. This has been done to improve security and speed for Mobile users. You can still access the Live List but only via the My WebCam Mobile apps.

You can still access your personal camera via the web. Here is how: On your My WebCam Broadcaster click this button:mwc_linkbutton

This will bring you this webpage:


Hit the Share button and you will be brought to this webpage and from here you will see embed code (allowing to embed into blogs, etc) and a tinyurl you can use to send to friends or to your self for easy reference sharepage


App Injection – the Internet of Things

App Injection occurs when a mobile app is used to negotiate the permissions and set up required when loading an app onto a remote “thing*” – upgrading or changing the function of the “thing”. This circumstance arises in the development of “the internet of things”

Imagine you own a “thing” as part of your portfolio of “internet of things”. You can upgrade or change the function of the “thing” by loading a new app or other software onto the thing. You use a mobile app to control the thing. To can use the mobile app to instigate a process of injecting the new software into the thing. This is called App Injection.

* The “thing” could be a car, a camera, a heating system, a network drive, etc.

Viewer for AXIS Cams v3.0.0. Update now available with Edge Storage

EyeSpyFX is pleased to announce that our iOS app “Viewer for AXIS Cams” has been updated. The new app has many performance upgrades and now features an In App Purchase enabling access to Edge Storage.

Edge Storage is a development in AXIS network cameras that enables video recording directly to an on-board SD-Card or a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device. It is sometimes referred to as local storage or onboard recording.

With mobile access to Edge Storage “Viewer for AXIS Cams” users can create a complete security system with motion detection event recording all onboard a single camera. This could give a perfect solution for a small business owner who is keen to monitor live and recorded events while away from the premises.
